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5 Different Types of Pickleball Shorts for Women

No sooner had we finished ordering some trendy pickleball shirts for Wifey, than she started going on about shorts. “What? I don’t believe this!” I protested. But with a twerk of her cute behind, a flirty wink, and an inviting smile, Wifey came back with, “Now big boy,  wouldn’t you like to see this in …

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Where to Buy Pickleball Paddles, Balls and Nets Online

Since 1965, people have played the sport of pickleball, but the game came into its own during the 21st century. Originally created by three Washington state dads to entertain their children, it grew in popularity from play on Bainbridge Island, WA, down the coast to California, then throughout the US. Today, people play pickleball around …

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5 Different Types of Pickleball Paddle Grips

Did you know that the name pickleball has nothing to do with pickles? According to congressman Joel Pritchard’s wife, the name reminded her of the pickle boat where rowers were chosen from the remnants of the boat. However, Barry McCallum, one of the founders, does not share the same sentiments. According to him, the trio …

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10 Different Types of Pickleball Training Aids

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. As pickleball hype grows, competitions are becoming popular by the day. If you are like me, you love winning – trust me, I do. So how do you become a pickleball pro within no time? The answer is pickleball training aids. Notably, pickleball training aids do not …

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Pickleball Scoring Explained (2022)

Pickleball is a fun game played by people of all ages. It’s a great way to exercise and maintain an active lifestyle. In addition, it promotes important social and ethical values! Pickleball is played indoors or outdoors, in communities large and small. When playing doubles, the match starts with the service of the designated team. …

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Pickleball Rules Explained: Singles & Doubles (2022)

Pickleball has become one of the fastest growing sports in the United States and Canada, as in many other countries. It is a racket sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis. Although pickleball is a very active sport, it requires less mobility than other sports (such as tennis) because it is played …

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Why Stack in Pickleball? What is Stacking?

Stacking in pickleball is a nonstandard strategy used by doubles teams. In stacking, both partners start on the same side of the court (usually the right side for right-handed players and the left side for left-handed players). Then, after the serve, they cross to their respective court sides. This strategy can give one player a …

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How Far Does Pickleball Noise Travel? Why So Noisy?

According to research from Spendiarian & Willis Acoustics & Noise Control LLC, paddle impacts have a narrowband spectrum, with a fundamental frequency of around 1,000 to 2,000 Hz and up to 200 or 300 feet away. In this range, humans can hear sounds with the greatest clarity. With complaints about the noise level from pickleball …

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Can You Play Pickleball With a Tennis Racket?

No! The tennis racquet is not suitable for pickleball as the ball doesn’t have much bounce, the space is much smaller, and using a tennis racquet would be too much pressure. That’s the reason we use a small airy ball, which works nicely with a small flat, sometimes ventilated paddle with a much smaller handle …

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What Is the Kitchen in Pickleball? Why Called the Kitchen?

If you have an interest in pickleball, you may want to know what certain terms mean, such as kitchen. Well, the kitchen is the same term as the ‘no volley zone.’ It is the area that sits between the line of the court and the next. It is the closest point to the next, which …

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4 Different Types of Pickleball Paddles

Oversized, extra-long, elongated, and standard are the four types of pickle balls commonly used in the increasingly popular sport. Each has its benefits as well as drawbacks and requires certain factors for consideration before you choose them. Picking up a paddle for a game of pickleball could be a daunting task. It might be confusing …

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What Is Pickleball a Combination Of?

Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It is a paddle sport that is played on a court with a net. Pickleball can be played indoors or outdoors. This makes it appeal to a larger crowd. It also makes it easier to practice and compete! What elements of tennis does pickleball have? …

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Which Countries is Pickleball Played In?

The latest sports craze in the US, pickleball, is played by 4.8 million Americans. And the number is growing. But is pickleball a strictly American phenomenon, or are there other countries where the game is played? The answer is simple. Pickleball is played in 63 countries worldwide. That’s how many countries are members of the …

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Do Cruise Lines Offer Pickleball?

Yes! Many cruise liners now provide pickleball courts as the sport continues to gain popularity. 15 Royal Caribbean vessels, as well as those of the Regent and Princess cruise lines, etc., offer pickleball. Pickleball is a racquet sport for two to four players that draws inspiration from ping pong, badminton, and tennis. Initially, people ages …

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How are Pickleball Paddles Made? Materials?

Pickleball is a fun and social sport that combines elements of ping-pong, tennis, and badminton for an activity that can be enjoyed indoors as well as outdoors. This sport is played with pickleball paddles, which are made specifically for it. Pickleball paddles can be made from various materials that include carbon fiber, aluminium, and polymer. …

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Is Pickleball a Professional Sport? If So, How Much Do Pickleball Pros Make?

Pickleball is a rapidly growing sport across the U.S. The sport offers the opportunity for people at all levels to learn how to play, to improve their skills, and to compete in tournaments. Some people play singles matches, while others play in doubles matches. The fact that pickleball does not yet have the same amount …

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What Equipment Do You Need To Play Pickleball?

Developed as a children’s game for their kids in 1965, Congressmen Joel Pritchard and his friends William Bell and Barney McCallum couldn’t foresee that what they invented would become a national craze in the 21st century. One summer on Bainbridge Island, WA, their children lamented the need for something new and fun to do, so …

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Can You Play Pickleball on a Badminton Court?

Pickleball was invented just before I got into middle school. I never knew anything about it, or even that it was a thing until I was asked to write about it. So here we are, 60 years later, talking about a sport invented on the spot from a dull summer afternoon’s boredom. What looks like …

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How Did Pickleball Get its Name? Why is it Called Pickleball?

Believe it or not, this is a controversial question. No one disagrees that the moniker was the brainchild of Joan Pritchard, the wife of one of the game’s founders. What pickleball enthusiasts argue over is why Joan chose this name. Some say “pickleball” was an ode to the Pritchards’ dog Pickles. Others claim Joan was …

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6 Different Types of Pickleball Ball Picker Uppers

Have you found yourself loving the game of pickleball? If you are like most, you decide to try this game one day only to end up loving it. One of the downsides to playing is having to pick up the balls after you are finished playing. Depending on many factors, there could be a lot …

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Is It Okay if Pickleball Paddles Get Wet? Does Water Damage Them?

Pickleball is a very fun and exciting game. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s essentially a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. The sport is very beginner-friendly, and its easy to learn. However, it can also be highly challenging and complex. In fact, professional pickleball players bring home about $100,000 to $200,000 a …

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Can You Use Indoor Pickleballs Outdoors?

Pickleball is played on a court of the same dimensions as doubles badminton. Its measurements are 13.41 m long by 6.10 wide. The terrain can be outdoors or indoors, but it is necessary that the surface is rigid and smooth. For example, it can be practiced in pavilions, tennis courts, schoolyards. To get a better …

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14 Different Types of Pickleball Shots

There are 14 types of shots in pickleball and three basic strokes. Of the 14 shots, five are advanced and should only be used at critical intervals. The others are basic shots that are imperative for us to master the game. Learning the strokes is just as vital as learning the shots. In pickleball, experimenting …

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Is Pickleball an Olympic Sport?

Pickleball is becoming very popular in different countries. It consists of a racket game that combines elements of tennis, paddle tennis, ping-pong and badminton. Learning this racket sport is easy, in addition to having a fast pace and being fun to practice, due to the long rallies that take place during the development of a …

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Why On Earth is Pickleball so Popular? Is it Now More Popular than Tennis?

Let’s back up. When did pickleball get so popular? In March 2012 pickleball interest started picking up in North America.  Not meteoric interest growth yet but the rumblings were afoot. Interestingly, this was around the time I started playing.  Coincidence? I think not. In March 2014 it started growing faster and faster. Fast forward to …

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