Pickleball is a new racket sport, arising from the combination of the more traditional racket and racket sports. It has elements of badminton, tennis, paddle tennis and even ping pong influences.
All this combination of elements results in a sport that is fast, fun and easy to learn. One of the significances of winning is to know how to volley, to know the court and to learn the rules of the game.
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The pickleball court
The dimensions of the pickleball court are exactly the same as a badminton court: 13.41m long x 6.10m wide, but there are some differences in terms of layout. While badminton courts have some of their measurements “cut” depending on whether you play alone or in pairs, in pickleball the entire court is used at all times.
The field is divided by the net into two halves. At a distance of 2.13 m on each side of the net, there is a white line that marks the no-volley zone. This leaves players with a 4.57 m rectangle at the end of the court, which is divided in half with a perpendicular line, delimiting the service boxes.
Game development
The objective of the game is the same as in all racket or shovel sports, to score more points than your opponent. Games are played to a total of 11 points and must always be won by a difference of at least two points. Only the team that has the serve can score. If they make a mistake or foul, the serve passes to the opposing team, but not as much will be scored.
- A point is won, or the serve is lost when:
- The ball bounces more than once.
- The ball bounces out of court.
- The ball hits the net and falls into your court.
The court
The court is a major part of the game because, depending on its dimensions, players will be better able to volley. The court or playing track (space delimited by the bottom and band lines) has a dimension of 6.10m wide by 13.41m long. The entire court will be used for both doubles and singles matches.
In addition, it is recommended that it be located on a minimum surface of 10.40mx 19.50m so that the participants in the game can move safely and volley.
In the event that there are players in wheelchairs, the total area where the court will be located will have a recommended minimum size of 13.41m by 22.55m. The lines that delimit the non-volley zones of each field are 2.13m from the net.
The rest of the track is divided into two service areas. The height of the net is 92cm at each end of the net and 86cm in the center and it has an extension of 6.63m.
What is a volley?
Most players do well with their volley by playing at the net and in the kitchen area. A volley is the shot taken of the ball by letting it bounce first. Simply hit the ball as it goes up in the air prior to it hitting the court. When the shot is taken, it must be at a low curve, and it must be gong at a slow place.
However, the pace should increase while both teams are going through a round of volleys, hitting the ball back and forth.
The Player and volley
A player volleys into the no-volley zone or enters the no-volley zone with any part of his body before or after volleying. A player touches the net or a net post with any part of the equipment or body, including the paddle or clothing.
The ball touches any part of a player’s body or clothing, except if it is the hand holding the racket, which will be considered an extension of the racket. A service fault occurs.
Non-volley zone
All volleys must be initiated outside the non-volley zone. During the complete act of the volley (swing, continuation of the blow and inertia or impulse), the ground of the non-volley zone or its boundary lines may not be touched with any part of the body or equipment. This rule applies before, during and after the hit. A wheelchair may step on the non-volley zone with the front wheels.
It should be noted that once the service has been made, each team must let the ball bounce on their court at least once before they can volley it.